Another show down and thank you to all who came out on a very hazy Friday night..

The Powerhouse will always be one of our favourite venues, so we can’t wait until our next Sunday afternoon Livespark sojourn.

We soldiered on without Todd tonight..hopefully we carried it off ok.. If you’re around on Oct 16 make B line to get tickets to the I Heart Hiroshima show at The’ll be well worth your while. Todd will be up that we’ll be in full flight.. Following that it’s Valley Fiesta – so mark those dates on your calender..

Keep checking by this here hinter well as our myspace. Got friends who you think would get into us?? Add them!! Tell them to get thee hence to our myspace..

Time for bed…half of us are off the Melbourne for a week tomorrow.. The plane leaves at 6am. You do the math.

Night folks..